ZetaColors class Theme

A customizable, token-based color palette, adapting Zeta colors to Flutter's colorScheme.



ZetaColors({Brightness brightness = Brightness.light, ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa, Color white = ZetaColorBase.white, Color black = ZetaColorBase.black, ZetaColorSwatch? primary, ZetaColorSwatch? secondary, ZetaColorSwatch? error, ZetaColorSwatch? cool, ZetaColorSwatch? warm, ZetaColorSwatch? pure, Color? surfacePrimary, Color? surfaceSecondary, Color? surfaceTertiary, bool adjust = true, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic link, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic linkVisited, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic shadow})
Default constructor for instance of ZetaColors.
ZetaColors.dark({ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa, ZetaColorSwatch? primary, ZetaColorSwatch? secondary, ZetaColorSwatch? error, ZetaColorSwatch? cool, ZetaColorSwatch? warm, Color? white, Color? black, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic link, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic linkVisited, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic shadow})
Factory constructor for a dark theme for ZetaColors.
ZetaColors.light({ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa, ZetaColorSwatch? primary, ZetaColorSwatch? secondary, ZetaColorSwatch? error, ZetaColorSwatch? cool, ZetaColorSwatch? warm, Color? white, Color? black, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic link, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic linkVisited, @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic shadow})
Factory constructor for a light theme for ZetaColors.


black Color
Shadow color.
blue ZetaColorSwatch
Blue color swatch
borderDefault Color
Default Border Color
no setter
borderDisabled Color
Disabled Border Color
no setter
borderHover Color
Hover Border Color
no setter
borderInfo Color
Info Border Color
no setter
borderNegative Color
Negative Border Color
no setter
borderPositive Color
Positive Border Color
no setter
borderPrimary Color
Primary Border Color
no setter
borderPrimaryMain ZetaColorSwatch
Primary-main Border Color
no setter
borderPure Color
Pure Border Color
no setter
borderSecondary Color
Secondary Border Color
no setter
borderSelected Color
Selected Border Color
no setter
borderSubtle Color
Subtle Border Color
no setter
borderWarning Color
Warning Border Color
no setter
brightness Brightness
Constructor Fields Represents the brightness value.
contrast ZetaContrast
Represents the Zeta accessibility standard.
cool ZetaColorSwatch
Cool color swatch.
error ZetaColorSwatch
Secondary color used in app.
green ZetaColorSwatch
Green color swatch
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
iconDefault Color
Default icon color.
no setter
iconDisabled Color
Disabled icon color.
no setter
iconInverse Color
Inverse icon color.
no setter
iconSubtle Color
Subtle icon color.
no setter
info ZetaColorSwatch
Info color.
no setter
isDarkMode bool
True if current ZetaColors object uses dark mode colors.
no setter
Link color
no setter
linkVisited Color
Visited link color
no setter
negative ZetaColorSwatch
Negative color.
no setter
orange ZetaColorSwatch
Orange color swatch
pink ZetaColorSwatch
Pink color swatch
positive ZetaColorSwatch
Positive color.
no setter
primary ZetaColorSwatch
Primary color swatch.
props List<Object?>
The list of properties that will be used to determine whether two instances are equal.
no setteroverride
pure ZetaColorSwatch
Pure color swatch.
purple ZetaColorSwatch
Purple color swatch
rainbow List<ZetaColorSwatch>
List of colorful colors.
no setter
rainbowMap Map<String, ZetaColorSwatch>
Map of colorful colors.
no setter
red ZetaColorSwatch
Red color swatch
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
secondary ZetaColorSwatch
Secondary color used in app.
shadow Color
Shadow color.
no setter
stringify bool?
If set to true, the toString method will be overridden to output this instance's props.
no setterinherited
surfaceAvatarBlue Color
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceAvatarGreen ZetaColorSwatch
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceAvatarOrange Color
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceAvatarPink Color
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceAvatarPurple Color
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceAvatarTeal Color
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceAvatarYellow Color
Avatar Avatar Surface Color
no setter
surfaceCool Color
Cool Surface Color
no setter
surfaceDefault Color
Default Surface Color
no setter
surfaceDefaultInverse Color
Default-inverse Surface Color
no setter
surfaceDisabled Color
Disabled Surface Color
no setter
surfaceHover Color
Hover Surface Color
no setter
surfaceHovered Color
Hover surface color.
no setter
surfaceInfo ZetaColorSwatch
Info Surface Color
no setter
surfaceInfoSubtle Color
Info-subtle Surface Color
no setter
surfaceNegative ZetaColorSwatch
Negative Surface Color
no setter
surfaceNegativeSubtle Color
Negative-subtle Surface Color
no setter
surfacePositive ZetaColorSwatch
Positive Surface Color
no setter
surfacePositiveSubtle Color
Positive-subtle Surface Color
no setter
surfacePrimary Color
Surface color.
surfacePrimarySubtle Color
Primary-subtle Surface Color
no setter
surfaceSecondary Color
Secondary surface color.
surfaceSecondarySubtle Color
Secondary-subtle Surface Color
no setter
surfaceSelected Color
Selected Surface Color
no setter
surfaceSelectedHover Color
Selected-hover Surface Color
no setter
surfaceSelectedHovered Color
Selected hover surface color.
no setter
surfaceTertiary Color
Tertiary surface color.
surfaceWarm Color
Warm Surface Color
no setter
surfaceWarning ZetaColorSwatch
Warning Surface Color
no setter
surfaceWarningSubtle Color
Warning-subtle Surface Color
no setter
teal ZetaColorSwatch
Teal color swatch
textDefault Color
Default text /icon color.
no setter
textDisabled Color
Disabled text / icon color.
no setter
textInverse Color
Inverse text / icon color.
no setter
textSubtle Color
Subtle text /icon color.
no setter
warm ZetaColorSwatch
Warm color swatch.
warning ZetaColorSwatch
Warning color.
no setter
white Color
White color.
yellow ZetaColorSwatch
Yellow color swatch


apply({required ZetaContrast contrast}) ZetaColors
Apply the given contrast to the color scheme and return a new color scheme.
copyWith({Brightness? brightness, ZetaContrast? contrast, ZetaColorSwatch? primary, ZetaColorSwatch? secondary, ZetaColorSwatch? error, ZetaColorSwatch? cool, ZetaColorSwatch? warm, Color? white, Color? black, Color? surfacePrimary, Color? surfaceSecondary, Color? surfaceTertiary, Color? link, Color? linkVisited, Color? shadow}) ZetaColors
Applies new property values to ZetaColors and returns a new copy.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toScheme() ZetaColorScheme
Returns a ZetaColorScheme based on the properties of the current ZetaColors.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.