ZetaColors.dark constructor

  1. ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa,
  2. ZetaColorSwatch? primary,
  3. ZetaColorSwatch? secondary,
  4. ZetaColorSwatch? error,
  5. ZetaColorSwatch? cool,
  6. ZetaColorSwatch? warm,
  7. Color? white,
  8. Color? black,
  9. @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic link,
  10. @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic linkVisited,
  11. @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') dynamic shadow,

Factory constructor for a dark theme for ZetaColors.

All color options are nullable and default to a pre-defined contrast color if null.

contrast The primary contrast color. If not supplied, defaults to ZetaContrast.aa. primary A color swatch for primary color accent. Defaults to null. secondary A color swatch for secondary color accent. Defaults to null. error A color swatch for error states. Defaults to null. cool A color swatch for cooler color tones. Defaults to null. warm A color swatch for warmer color tones. Defaults to null. white A color option for white color. Defaults to null. black A color option for black color. Defaults to null.


factory ZetaColors.dark({
  ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa,
  ZetaColorSwatch? primary,
  ZetaColorSwatch? secondary,
  ZetaColorSwatch? error,
  ZetaColorSwatch? cool,
  ZetaColorSwatch? warm,
  Color? white,
  Color? black,
  @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') link,
  @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') linkVisited,
  @Deprecated('This color has been deprecated as of v0.10.0') shadow,
}) {
  return ZetaColors(
    cool: cool,
    warm: warm,
    white: white ?? ZetaColorBase.white,
    black: black ?? ZetaColorBase.black,
    primary: primary,
    contrast: contrast,
    secondary: secondary,
    error: error,
    brightness: Brightness.dark,
    surfaceTertiary: warm?.shade10,
    surfaceSecondary: cool?.shade10,
    surfacePrimary: black ?? ZetaColorBase.black,