Theme topic


To see details on the theme, see Figma


ZetaAnimationLength Theme
Tokenised durations used for animations
ZetaColorBase Theme
Default set of Zeta Colors that can be used to make a ZetaColors instance.
ZetaColors Theme
A customizable, token-based color palette, adapting Zeta colors to Flutter's colorScheme.
ZetaColorScheme Theme
Easily craft stunning Flutter themes using pre-set color patterns or your own choices.
ZetaColorSwatch Theme
A swatch of colors with values from 10 (light) to 100 (dark).
ZetaRadius Theme
Semantic zeta radii.
ZetaRadiusBase Theme
Tokens that are used for Border Radius
ZetaSpacing Theme
Tokens that are used for spacing.
ZetaSpacingBase Theme
Tokens that are used for Spacing
ZetaTextStyles Theme
Typography in Zeta style.
ZetaThemeData Theme
A representation of the Zeta theme data.
ZetaThemeService Theme
ZetaThemeService is an abstract class. It provides the structure for loading and saving themes in Zeta application.


zetaTextTheme → const TextTheme Theme
ZetaTextStyles combined into a TextTheme. {@category Theme}