A banner displays an important, succinct message, and provides action for users to address. It draws the attention to the message by displaying it at the top in various colors.

  • Text displayed on label.

leadingIcon - Icon at leading side of text.

trailingIcon - Icon at trailing end of component.




  • ContourableInterface<this> & LitElement<this>
    • ZetaSystemBanner


  • Returns ZetaSystemBanner

align: "start" | "center" = "start"

Alignment of banner.

leading?: Node[]
rounded: boolean
    | "positive"
    | "negative"
    | "default"
    | "warning" = "default"

Type of banner.

text?: string

Text displayed on the banner.

Can also be slotted with default (unnamed) slot. If both are present, text prop will be displayed and slot will not

trailing?: Node[]
styles: CSSResultGroup[] = ...


  • Invoked on each update to perform rendering tasks. This method may return any value renderable by lit-html's ChildPart - typically a TemplateResult. Setting properties inside this method will not trigger the element to update.

    Returns TemplateResult<1>