Button which is used by button groups.

  • Button label content.

icon - Icon to display on leading side of button. Full list of icons can be found at https://zeta-icons.web.app/


  • ContourableInterface<this> & LitElement<this> & InteractiveInterface<this>
    • ZetaButtonGroupItem


  • Returns ZetaButtonGroupItem

disabled: boolean
icon?: Node[]
name?: string

Name for the button, used if the button is in a form.

onclick: null | ((this: GlobalEventHandlers, ev: MouseEvent) => unknown) = null

Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object

The mouse event.

MDN Reference

rounded: boolean
showDropdown?: boolean = false

Whether to show the dropdown icon.

size: "medium" | "large" = "medium"

Size of button.

shadowRootOptions: ShadowRootInit = ...
styles: CSSResultGroup[] = ...


  • Invoked on each update to perform rendering tasks. This method may return any value renderable by lit-html's ChildPart - typically a TemplateResult. Setting properties inside this method will not trigger the element to update.

    Returns TemplateResult<1>