Class ZetaActionMenuButton

Zeta Action Menu Button places a button that when clicked opens an action menu containing the items passed into it through the items prop.


  • ContourableInterface<this> & LitElement<this> & FlavoredInterface<this> & SizeInterface<this>
    • ZetaActionMenuButton


  • Returns ZetaActionMenuButton

alignment?: "start" | "end" | "center"

The alignment of the droppable relative to the action menu. Defaults start if left undefined.

anchor: HTMLElement
    | "left"
    | "right"
    | "bottom"
    | "top" = "bottom"

The direction of the droppable relative to the anchor. Defaults to bottom if left undefined.

droppable: ZetaDroppable
flavor: Flavor
icon: ZetaIconName = "more_vertical"

The icon to be displayed on the button

items: ZetaDropdownItem[] = ...

Array of action items

open: boolean = false

Controls the state of the dropdown menu.

rounded: boolean
size: "small" | "medium" | "large"
styles: CSSResultGroup[] = ...


  • Invoked on each update to perform rendering tasks. This method may return any value renderable by lit-html's ChildPart - typically a TemplateResult. Setting properties inside this method will not trigger the element to update.

    Returns TemplateResult<1>


  • Invoked when the element is first updated. Implement to perform one time work on the element after update.

    firstUpdated() {

    Setting properties inside this method will trigger the element to update again after this update cycle completes.

    Returns void