didChangePlatformBrightness method

  1. @override
void didChangePlatformBrightness()

Overrides the didChangePlatformBrightness method from the parent class.

This method gets information about the platform's brightness and updates the app if it ever changes. The changes are debounced with a timer to avoid them being too frequent.


void didChangePlatformBrightness() {

  // Get the binding instance
  final binding = WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();

  // Get the platform brightness from the PlatformDispatcher
  // `_debounceBrightness` will then hold the new brightness
  _debounceBrightness = binding.platformDispatcher.platformBrightness;

  // If the current stored brightness value is different from the newly fetched value
  if (_platformBrightness != _debounceBrightness) {
    // If brightness has changed, cancel the existing timer and start a new one

    // Cancel existing timer if any

    // Start a new timer with `_debounceDuration` delay
    _debounceTimer = Timer(_debounceDuration, () {
      // Once timer fires, check if brightness is still different and not null
      if (_debounceBrightness != null && _platformBrightness != _debounceBrightness) {
        // If brightness value has indeed changed, update the state
        setState(() {
          // Set the new brightness value
          _platformBrightness = _debounceBrightness!;