lighten method

Color lighten(
  1. [int amount = 10]

Lightens the color with the given integer percentage amount. Defaults to 10%.


Color lighten([int amount = 10]) {
  if (amount <= 0) return this;
  if (amount > 100) return Colors.white;
  // HSLColor returns saturation 1 for black, we want 0 instead to be able
  // lighten black color up along the grey scale from black.
  final HSLColor hsl =
      this == const Color(0xFF000000) ? HSLColor.fromColor(this).withSaturation(0) : HSLColor.fromColor(this);
  return hsl.withLightness(math.min(1, math.max(0, hsl.lightness + amount / 100))).toColor();