blend method

Color blend(
  1. Color input,
  2. [int amount = 10]

Blend in the given input Color with a percentage of alpha.

You typically apply this on a background color, light or dark to create a background color with a hint of a color used in a theme.

This is a use case of the alphaBlend static function that exists in dart:ui Color. It is used to create the branded surface colors in ZetaColorScheme and to calculate dark scheme colors from light ones, by blending in white color with light scheme color.

Defaults to 10% alpha blend of the passed in Color value.


Color blend(Color input, [int amount = 10]) {
  // Skip blending for impossible value and return the instance color value.
  if (amount <= 0) return this;
  // Blend amounts >= 100 results in the input Color.
  if (amount >= 100) return input;
  return Color.alphaBlend(input.withAlpha(255 * amount ~/ 100), this);