adjustContrast method

Color adjustContrast(
  1. {required Color on,
  2. required double target,
  3. int maxIterations = 1000,
  4. double epsilon = 0.1}

Adjusts the color to a specific contrast target.


  • target The target contrast for the color adjustment.
  • on The color to compare contrast against. Defaults to Colors.white.
  • maxIterations The maximum number of iterations for color adjustment. Defaults to 1000 iterations.
  • epsilon The difference tolerance for the contrast ratio. Defaults to 0.1.


  • A new color with adjusted contrast close to the target contrast.


Color adjustContrast({
  required Color on,
  required double target,
  int maxIterations = 1000,
  double epsilon = 0.1,
}) {
  int iteration = 0;
  Color adjustedColor = this;
  double adjustmentValue;

  while (iteration < maxIterations) {
    final currentContrast = adjustedColor.contrastRatio(on);

    if (currentContrast == target || (currentContrast - target).abs() < epsilon) {

    final hslColor = HSLColor.fromColor(adjustedColor);
    adjustmentValue = (currentContrast - target).abs() * 0.02;

    var newLightness =
        (currentContrast < target) ? hslColor.lightness - adjustmentValue : hslColor.lightness + adjustmentValue;

    newLightness = newLightness.clamp(0.0, 1.0);

    adjustedColor = hslColor.withLightness(newLightness).toColor();

  return adjustedColor;