ZetaPagination constructor

const ZetaPagination(
  1. {required int pages,
  2. ZetaPaginationType type = ZetaPaginationType.standard,
  3. void onChange(
    1. int value
  4. int currentPage = 1,
  5. bool rounded = true,
  6. @Deprecated('Set onChange to null. ' 'Disabled is deprecated as of 0.11.0') bool disabled = false,
  7. Key? key}

Creates a new ZetaPagination


const ZetaPagination({
  required this.pages,
  this.type = ZetaPaginationType.standard,
  this.currentPage = 1,
  this.rounded = true,
  @Deprecated('Set onChange to null. ' 'Disabled is deprecated as of 0.11.0') bool disabled = false,
})  : assert(
        pages > 0,
        'Pages must be greater than zero',
        currentPage >= 1 && currentPage <= pages,
        'currentPage must be greater than 1 and less than the number of pages',