copyWith method

ZetaGroupButton copyWith(
  1. {bool? isFinal,
  2. bool? isInitial,
  3. bool? isLarge,
  4. bool? rounded,
  5. bool? isInverse}

Returns copy of ZetaGroupButton with fields.


ZetaGroupButton copyWith({
  bool? isFinal,
  bool? isInitial,
  bool? isLarge,
  bool? rounded,
  bool? isInverse,
}) {
  return ZetaGroupButton._(
    key: key,
    label: label,
    icon: icon,
    onPressed: onPressed,
    dropdown: dropdown,
    isFinal: isFinal ?? this.isFinal,
    isInitial: isInitial ?? this.isInitial,
    isLarge: isLarge ?? this.isLarge,
    rounded: rounded ?? this.rounded,
    isInverse: isInverse ?? this.isInverse,