of static method

Zeta of(
  1. BuildContext context

Fetches the Zeta instance from the provided context.

It ensures that the context has access to the Zeta theming information. Throws a FlutterError if the Zeta is not found in the widget tree.


static Zeta of(BuildContext context) {
  final defaults = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Zeta>();
  if (defaults != null) {
    return defaults;
  } else {
    throw FlutterError.fromParts(
        ErrorDescription('Unable to find Zeta in the widget tree.'),
          'Ensure that the context passed to Zeta.of() is a descendant of a ZetaProvider widget. This usually means that ZetaProviderState should be an ancestor of the widget which uses this context.',
        ErrorDescription('The widget for the context used was:'),
        DiagnosticsProperty<Widget>('widget', context.widget, showName: false),
          'If you recently changed the type of that widget, or the widget tree, ensure the ZetaProvider widget is still an ancestor.',